Everybody Has a Podcast (Except You)” by The McElroy Family, edited in Canva

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Okay, I might be back on track! There’s been at least been a little less of a time gap between Book of the Month posts this time around! Hey, progress not perfection, am I right? I have definitely been very excited to read this book. I am looking forward to hopefully keeping up this momentum and churning out a few more posts. That said, let’s dive in!


For those of you that know me, you’ve probably heard me drone on and on about my obsession with The McElroy family. Keegan introduced me to their podcasts when we started dating nearly 4 years ago. If you are unfamiliar, this family partly consists of three brothers: Justin, Travis, and Griffin. Together they created a podcast called My Brother, My Brother and Me about 11 years ago, and I have listened to every single episode. Lol. They have also created several other podcasts with their wives, friends, and even their dad, Clint. As an avid fan of these podcasts, I was so intrigued when they announced a how-to book about podcasting. I preordered it and have been wanting to read it for a while now. This family is podcasting royalty, so I couldn’t wait to learn!


Everybody Has a Podcast (Except You): A How-to Guide from the First Family of Podcasting is written by all three McElroy brothers and each of their wives. All of them write different sections on their own and even interject their individual comments in sections written by their co authors. This gives the book more depth and allows for thorough (and hilarious) coverage of the topics. The book is broken down into six chapters: Preproduction; Tools; Let’s Record; Now Let’s Make It Listenable; Please, Someone, Anyone: Listen; and Making Money.

Preproduction discusses setting up a place to record, thinking of podcast names, whether you need a cohost, creating a logo, etc. Tools talks about the types of microphones and headphones to use and how to choose a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) for editing your audio. Let’s Record describes how to prepare for recording and how to keep the conversation interesting. Now Let’s Make It Listenable dives in to editing, adding music, and asking for feedback. Please, Someone, Anyone: Listen is about marketing, social media management, and spreading the word about your new podcast. Finally, Making Money describes ways to create and sell merchandise and advertise.

The book covers all of the above and more. It was slightly more general than I hoped, but that’s to be expected as the authors have no insight as to what you’ll be creating specifically. So, it has to be a bit more broad to apply to the breadth of potential podcasts readers could create.


  • Genre: Guide, How-To
  • This book is written with a lot of humor, which is just what I would expect from The McElroys
  • The McElroys have collectively created 15 podcasts!

This book is a very easy read. I finished it in 2 days, even while taking notes. It contains lots of useful information for when you’re just starting out and have no clue what you’re doing. It also has a few tips for improving a podcast you already have. I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned from this book to Keegan and I’s new podcast… details to come! I give it 5 out of 5 stars. ★★★★ ★

Have you read this book? Wanna chat about it? Any questions? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below! ♡


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