Act Your Age, Eve Brown” by Talia Hibbert, edited in Canva

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Alright, so I guess I was mistaken in my last Book of the Month post. I definitely have not gotten back in the swing of things with my book-reading goal. Whoops! BUT, I am determined to rise above my excuses and read some dang books already! I am going to play catch up when it comes to the months, so bear with me as I post the October 2020 book review nearly a year late lol! For this installment, I decided to finish The Brown Sisters series by Talia Hibbert.


Act Your Age, Eve Brown is the third (and possibly final) novel in The Brown Sisters Series, the first being Get a Life, Chloe Brown which I wrote about for my August Book of the Month post! Much like the last two books, I enjoyed reading Talia’s characters. There is a reason that this series is so popular–seriously, I had this book on hold for 3 weeks at the library! These books are all easy to read. They are fun, colorful, and sexy while still hitting on some raw subject matter that is more relatable than other romance novels I’ve read. The only issue that I have with the series as a whole is that each book follows the same formula–an unlikely pair that secretly like each other, they eventually fall in love, a conflict arises that turns them against each other, they finally resolve their issues and get back together. Other than that, the books are nice. They are suited well as a series and stand alone stories.


This is a story about Eve Brown, a hot mess who doesn’t know what to do with her life, and Jacob Wayne, a cold and always-in-control bed and breakfast owner. When Eve gets an ultimatum from her parents regarding her future, she sets off to find a stable job and happens upon an interview for a position at Jacob’s B&B. The two start as polar opposites, even enemies, and soon develop into something more.

These characters share autistic traits that ultimately bond them. The book also examines physical differences in people and how those can play into our perceptions of ourselves.

As with the other books in this series, some chapters of the book are written from Eve’s perspective, and others are from Jacob’s. I really love when authors do this because it takes a lot of the guess work out of what characters are thinking. As a reader, you are always clear on the character’s thought processes and opinions.


  • Genre: fiction, contemporary, romance
  • There are brief moments in the story that pay homage to previous/beloved characters Chloe, Red, Dani, and Zaf, but you do not need to read the other books if you don’t want to.
  • The book contains explicit sexual content.

This book flew by. The story was simple to follow and full of heart. I liked the characters and their storyline, and I loved the references to other characters from the previous books. This was a nice little cherry on top of the series. My favorite of the three novels is definitely Take a Hint, Dani Brown, but this was still a nice read. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. ★★★★☆

Have you read this book? Wanna chat about it? Any questions? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below! ♡


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