This is NOT a sponsored post. I bought The Adventure Challenge with my own money.

Here is date number 4! This was a fun one! If you are unfamiliar with The Adventure Challenge, please check out my first post about it here where I explain the book in depth. Read on for details!

(The following is technically a spoiler of what the date is, but each date can be uniquely special for you and your partner!)


In the interest of staying home as much as possible right now, we opted for another date that allowed us to stay in! For this fourth date, Keegan and I scratched off “Foreign Doppelgänger.” These were the rules: create your own comic strip of 3-6 panels that tells the story of your relationship. There is one twist – all of your captions must be written in Chinese!

This one was extra fun for us because we haven’t had to really get creative with these dates yet. It was challenging to come up with just a few key parts of our relationship for the panels! We decided to take turns, so Keegan created one panel, then I did one, and so on. We ended up just doing 4 panels and calling it good. Shoutout to Google for helping us to translate our captions into Chinese!

We decided to draw defining memories and moments from our relationship. Our first panel shows us on stage because we met by being in a play together! Our second panel is an overhead view of the meal we had on our first anniversary at our favorite restaurant. The third panel is of us binge watching TV shows together in our first apartment. The fourth and final panel is of a moving truck because we will be moving across the country together very soon!

Neither one of us are artists, so we don’t have many drawing skills, but I think that made it more fun and silly! We were able to laugh at our creations as well as admire them!

My favorite part of this date was that it was a collaborative effort and we both contributed to the final product. Plus, you can keep the comic you make as a sweet memento! Any questions? Don’t hesitate to ask me anything in the comments below, and please let me know if you have tried this date too!


To keep up with our dating adventures you can follow me on Instagram and watch out for my ‘a c d a t e s’ highlight, or subscribe to my newsletter for future posts about our dates! ♡

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