This is NOT a sponsored post. I bought The Adventure Challenge with my own money.

Recently, while being sucked into one of my many Instagram Black Holes, I stumbled on an ad for something called The Adventure Challenge. Normally I zip past all of the creepily personalized ads on Insta, but this one piqued my interest. Upon looking it up, I learned that the company has three different editions of their unique book: friends, family, and couples. I live with my boyfriend, Keegan, so I figured the couples edition would be the obvious choice.

Because we live together, every night tends to feel like date night, and we definitely always have fun! But because we’ve been staying indoors as much as we can right now, it’s been a while since we shook things up and got out of our comfort zone. Buying the book seemed like a great way to reintroduce some spontaneity to our dating routine.


The Adventure Challenge: Couples Edition is a keepsake book filled with 50 different date ideas for you and your significant other to try in whatever order you want. These dates are designed to help you explore your relationship in new ways. BUT you won’t know what the date entails until you scratch it off–like a lottery ticket. And once you scratch, there’s only one rule: no take backs!

Thankfully the book doesn’t leave you in total mystery. There is a key of helpful hints that shows you the parameters of the date–whether you’ll be indoors or outdoors, if it requires getting supplies, if you should start the date hungry, and more. The book will also tell you approximately how long the dates will take and how much money you’ll spend, if any.

It also offers an area to write about how the date went and a spot to include a photo of the date itself. The Adventure Challenge does include their own camera with the book as a set, but I have a Polaroid already, so that’s what we used instead.


For our first Adventure Challenge date, Keegan and I scratched off “Don’t Let Go.” These were the rules: We had to take a walk in the park. For the first 15 minutes we were not allowed to speak to each other, but we had to hold hands the entire time without letting go. After that 15 minutes we had to find a swing set and take turns pushing each other. Whoever was pushing could talk about whatever they wanted for 5 minutes straight and the person being pushed could only listen.

Keegan and I learned a lot about our nonverbal communication. It was actually pretty difficult to walk together in complete silence. On the swings it was even harder not to give reassurance or add on when he was talking. But, the challenge made for good conversation afterwards. It was relieving to finally be able to speak to him afterwards. This date was the perfect way to ease into the book.


To keep up with our dating adventures you can follow me on Instagram and watch out for my ‘a c d a t e s’ highlight or subscribe to my newsletter for future posts about our dates! ♡

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