Get a Life, Chloe Brown” by Talia Hibbert, edited in Canva

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I read a lot when I was younger. The library was one of my favorite places, I used books as a sweet escape from reality. As I got older though, I realized that I was reading less and less. It was easy to say that I just didn’t have enough time to read, but the truth was that I wasn’t making the time.

So, it has been a goal of mine recently to read more books! It can be kind of tricky to get back into reading and block out the necessary time, but if you pace yourself and find the right books for you, it’s a breeze. Get a Life, Chloe Brown was the perfect title to restart my relationship with reading.


Get a Life, Chloe Brown was written by Talia Hibbert. My favorite thing about Talia’s writing (so far) is that she writes with diversity! And this means all kinds of diversity: race, class, disability, age. In this book alone she created representations of several different identities in a positive, yet realistic light. Plus, she is a British author, so it was fun to read the various British colloquialisms!


This book revolves around main characters Chloe Brown, a computer nerd with fibromyalgia, and Red Morgan, an artist who’s trying to trust himself again. When Chloe faces a near-death experience, her life flashes before her eyes, and she realizes it’s not all that interesting. So, she makes a sort of bucket list that she believes will help her ‘get a life,’ and Red just might be able to guide her through it. The two learn from one another while navigating their own goals. It’s romantic, realistic, and entertaining all around.

One of my favorite parts of the book is that some sections are written in Chloe’s point of view and some sections are in Red’s. That aspect not only sets this book apart from the usual one-character-view-point, but it allows you to really understand what each character is thinking and going through. Because of that the characters are even more relatable and well-developed.


  • Genre: fiction, contemporary, romance
  • There is a sassy little cat in this book adorably named Smudge.
  • The book contains explicit sexual content.
  • The sequel to this book titled Take a Hint, Dani Brown – which follows Chloe’s sister Dani – was just published this June (2020).

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I absolutely recommend it. The book balances funny and sweet moments, while still offering depth! It was a fun and easy read. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. ★★★★☆

Have you read this book? Wanna chat about it? Any questions? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below! ♡


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